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The Sufficiency of the Shepherd

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"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want" - Psalm 23:1

The classic example of "it takes one to know one" rings true in Psalm 23. It takes a shepherd to know a shepherd. This psalm of David describing God being our all sufficient shepherd is penned from a shepherd himself. David completely understood what it meant to be a shepherd. It meant providing for and protecting his sheep. He experienced trekking the terrain to lead his sheep into green pastures to feed them. He has journeyed through the wilderness in order to provide still waters for the sheep to be refreshed with water. He knows full well that a good shepherd is willing to sacrifice his own life by fighting ravenous wolves and dangerous lions. 

One of the richest and most meaningful metaphors of God in the bible is a shepherd. Jesus said in John 10:11 that he is the good shepherd and that the good shepherd lays his life down for the sake of his sheep. Christ layed down his life by making it as a sacrificing atonement for my sins at the cross. Jesus is all sufficient. He is all I need. He makes me lie down in green pastures by giving rest for my weary and tired soul. He leads me beside still waters and has offered me to drink from waters that I will never thirst again. He restores my soul's longing for identity by blessing me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 1:3-14) and I am beloved. Points of Obedience:

- Go to the Good Shepherd first and don’t resort to him last: Stop committing the evil of forsaking Christ the fountain of living waters and digging out my own broken cisterns that cannot hold water (Jer. 2:13). Find my fulfillment and joy Christ as my first resort. Don’t go digging for broken cisterns of people’s approval or material possession

- As a shepherd of God’s people, lay my life down for the sheep. Jesus qualifies a good shepherd by his willingness to lay down his life for the sheep. This means sacrificing my rights, privileges and pride for the sake of shepherding people to the cross.

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for being all sufficient! I lack nothing. I need nothing because you are everything. Please forgive me for my self sufficiency and digging for myself broken cisterns that cannot hold water and leave me wanting and  unsatisfied. I repent of finding my value in my performance. I repent of seeking my identity in people’s approval. I repent for leading my self instead of being led by you. Thank you for you grace and kindness that leads me to repentance. Please be the good shepherd of my family. Would you lead Renee, Judah, Noah and Ezra first? Would you remind me that they are yours first and that you are the good shepherd of their souls. Help me to lead with love by laying down myself for them. Strengthen me as a shepherd to lead New Hope Community Church to you. I love you. Maranatha!


Posted by John Danganan with