
Graduation Sunday

We celebrate God's faithfulness in our graduating class of 2020 and the importance of taking ownership of one's faith.

Truthfulness & Integrity

Truthfulness in our words builds integrity in our character.

Jesus is more concerned about the internal posture of the heart than the external appearance of religiosity.

"Anger is a natural experience to any genuine relationship. Yet Jesus gets down to the heart of anger and teaches practical ways to deal with anger. Let's not let our anger prevent reconciliation in our relationships."

Matthew 5:17-20 Morality cannot SAVE you. Immorality cannot SATISFY you. Jesus does BOTH.

The influence of a Christ-follower is lived out in preserving righteousness and doing good to our neighbor.

The blessings of the Beatitudes are the promises of the kingdom to those who live a repentant lifestyle of humility.

Beatitudes Part 1 (Matt. 5:1-6)

There is in unexpected blessing when we live under the kingdom of God. The upside down of God’s economy bestows blessing on the poor, meek, humble and lowly.
