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Give Careful Thought to Your Ways

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5 Now this is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. 6 You have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in purse with holes in it." (Haggai 1:5-7)



The central ministry of the prophet Haggai was to rebuild the temple. Nineteen years after the initial construction of the temple in 539 B.C. temple construction stopped because the people built their own homes and worked on their own farms. In a series of four "oracles" or "words" to the people God commands them to give careful thought to their ways. The people are to pause. They are to think deeply and consider thoughtfully the futility of their ways--they have exerted maximum effort at minimal gain. The people have toiled and labored with very little return because they have built their own house first and neglected to build the house of God at all. In essence, they sought to build their own kingdom and not the kingdom of God. When God's covenant people don't live out their covenant the consequence of drought and poor harvest is naturally imposed on them. The importance of the temple cannot be overstated because it is the primary dwelling of the presence of God and it was also the central gathering of worship and sacrifice for the people of God. When there is no worship, there is no rest. 



Though this book is over twenty five hundred years old it's message is timeless. In fact it can be a commentary of United States--"you have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink but never have your fill. You put on clothes but are not warm. All one has to do is drive through Hawaii Kai on the 3rd Thursday of the month to see the excess stuff we have. We work to have more stuff but it never satisfies. Point of Obedience:

 - Enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment of seeking the kingdom of God and having the Lord "add all these things."

 - Give careful thought to the fleeting emptiness of consumerism.

 - Encourage the people of God to think deeply of their ways--why work so much? why have so much stuff? why do we have so much? why do we think we need so much?



Heavenly Father,

Thank you for speaking to me today and encouraging me to think deeply. Jesus you are all I want. Help me to seek your kingdom first. You are my portion and strength.

Posted by John Danganan with
in Heaven

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

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He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! - Revelation 22:20



What is our response when our boss says they are on their way to the office? How about when a friend calls and says they are around the area and want to stop by your house in a couple of minutes? How confident are you if the IRS auditor emails to say they are coming to review your taxes? Is our reaction a sudden feeling of panic and anxiety? Or do we respond with confidence and assurance? The apostle John (the disciple whom Jesus loved) sure was confident and excited to the coming of Christ. Maybe his age (most scholars believed he lived up to 94 years old!) was the reason why he was eager for the Lord to come. But the length of life lived is not so important as to the quality of a life lived. After all, Jesus died young and had only 3 years of public ministry. Maybe the utopian vision of the new heaven and new earth had hime excited for Christ’s return. Maybe it was a little bit of both. I think the combination of the quality of how he lived his life fully surrendered to Jesus, the length of his faithful service to the church and everything he has heard and seen about the kingdom of God had John confident for Jesus to return.



How eager and confident am I when Jesus says, “Surely I am coming soon”? Might there be any regrets to how I’m living now that might have me saying, “come later, Jesus…”? How often do I pray and live out the Lord’s prayer to let His kingdom come and His will be done? Will I have an Oskar Schindler moment of could have, should have of regret? I’m confident seeing the majesty and beauty of seeing Jesus face to face would completely overwhelm me with gratitude and love. Point of obedience:

 - Love Deeply: Spend daily time in worship, prayer and devotion so that my desire becomes more and more for Jesus to come!

 - Serve Sincerely: Approach each day with maranatha in mind and serve my wife, family and church diligently.

 - Live Healthy: Strive for longevity in life and ministry. Make healthy lifestyle choices in eating and exercising.



Heavenly Father, 

Thank you that you are coming again! As you invite me to come and freely drink from the water of life (Rev. 22:17) may I not chase the empty and broken water cisterns of materialism, leisure and money. You alone have words of eternal life. Change my heart so that the appeal of this world would grow dim in comparison to you Jesus. I love you. Come, Lord Jesus!

Posted by John Danganan with

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