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Will God Find Me?

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1 Thus says the Lord: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest? 2 All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I look: he who is humble in spirit and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. - Isa 66:1-2

God the father who owns the heavens and earth and created everything will one day create a new heaven and a new earth (65:17). He is looking for men and women with these three qualities:

 1. Humble Spirit: (Heb. ‘aniy) literally means poor, afflicted, lowly. Someone who has a spirit of humility

 2. Contrite Spirit: (Heb. nakeh) occurs 3X in OT; translated “lame” 2X, “contrite” once. It is person who is stricken and smitten. Is contrition referBrokenness that comes from repentance

3. Trembles at my word: reverent fear and respect for the spoken AND written word of God.


When God looks throughout the earth and seeks for people who are humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at his word, will he find me? Is my life marked by humility and brokenness? Am I just humble in action but prideful in spirit? Does repentance and brokenness mark my countenance? Do I tremble with reverent fear at God’s word or do I just study it as an academic exercise to gain knowledge?


Heavenly Father,

I humble myself before you. Lord you are God in heaven, here I am on earth. Let my words be few. I acknowledge that I am nothing with you. I recognize that every good and perfect gift comes as grace from you NOT by the work of my hands. Holy Spirit continue to reveal the ugliness of pride that leaks from my heart, infiltrates my mind and expresses itself in my words and action. I want you to form my spirit so that I will take on your nature. King Jesus take the rightful place over my heart, mind and soul. You are king and I am your servant. I love you so much! Maranatha!


Posted by John Danganan with

This is the Will of God

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Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people - 1 Peter 2:13-15



Once again the perspicuity of scripture is evident. Question: Do you want to know God’s will? Answer: This is the will of God, that by doing good i.e. be subject/submit you silence the haters. God’s will concerning civil authority and governmental leader revolves around the “S-Bomb” of submission. Yielding to every human institution is difficult but we don’t do it for their sake but “for the Lord’s sake”. In other words, our motive for submission is to do so as unto the Lord who, “suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps” (2:21). 1 Cor. 13 makes it clear that wrong motives destroy good actions. Our motive is to honor and please our great God and Savior—we honor him by submitting to the leaders he placed over our lives.



Election season is here and the news footage of Christians protesting as maniacal, gun owning, separatists flood our tv screens. I’ve heard Christians even threatening to move to another country or plot out their plan of protest if another "godless politician" is elected. Yet God’s will is to do good by submitting whether it’s pagan government (2:13-17), pagan masters (2:18-25), or pagan husbands (3:1-6). Suffering is expected but we are to entrust ourselves to God. Settle it in my heart and resolve in my mind: Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor (v.17).



Heavenly Father,

Thank you for examining my heart to make me more like you. Change me from the inside out. I want to honor you and do things for your sake. Forgive me for having a dishonorable and cynical attitude of what’s happening in our government. You have placed leaders in every human institution in your wisdom and continue to work things out for your purpose and glory. Please give me the grace to cary out your will. I love you. Maranatha.

Posted by John Danganan with

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